You can find some basic information on our website.Game info is being populated on the Wiki.For discussion about this emulator, PS3 emulation, and game compatibility reports, please visit our forums and our Discord server. Now let’s take a look at how can you download the RPCS3 emulator and play PS3 games on PC. It has high compatibility and gives good performance for almost every title. I mentioned a little, this emulator doesn’t use an internet connection, so you don’t have to worry when you play PS3 games on your android.
What is this mental fascination with mobile-phoning every god-damn thing ?Consoles are built for gaming, Mobile Phones are built for everything that isn't gaming.
But i agree that discussing ps3 emulation on mobiles is far faaar too soon maybe in 7-10 years it might sound more reasonable. Android devices are very likely not strong enough to emulate a PS3 due to the PS3's different architecture.